Thursday 5 July 2007


Was unable to get a training toss in today as mum was too tired, which was hell of a bummer, the birds need to be getting up the road, really would have liked to have had another 2 loughtons, going to have to have a rethink. Definatly going to get a training toss tommorow. Had all young birds out today, I changed my mind and decided to try and get them in using the whistle, was suprised there was no mucking about from some of the usual culprits. Then all in then fed again blowing of the whistle, think they were used to my own whistling so don't think the whistle bothered them to be honest. The birds are really looking good speck of health, lovely clean wattles, bright eyes and silky feathering, pleased how they are looking, just need to get more training under there belt. Once they get to the 30 miles stage I will relax more and not be so stressed about first race being in 3 saturdays time, huntingdon!

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