Tuesday 3 July 2007

4th Toss

Took the birds to loughton today a distance to my loft 12 miles. There was alot of bother, we arrived there at 3.30pm, released the cock birds and they cleared instantly, then after clearing a batch of i would say 100 pigeons came over and, my cocks came back into sight and joined the bunch. However luckily the bunch looked as if they were heading in the direction of home. I had a phone call to say one had arrived in 20 mins, and another 2 had arrived after 30, and i got home in time to see the rest arrive home in about 50 minutes. I let the hens go at 3.50, it took them a total of 2 hours to come home, and they were litterally soaking, they had a clean hour of no rain, so if they had made it in good time they would have been dry.

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