Sunday 1 July 2007

2nd Toss

Well impressed today, I let out my young cocks today, as i believe in the old saying you have to get the flight out of the pigeons before you train them. I let them out at 2.15pm the birds didnt return to 5.00pmso if thyat didnt get the flight out of them nothing could, they kept returning over the loft and house during this time with other pigeons but they didnt drop, and for most of this period they were out of sight. Unfortuantly because of this i was unable to let out my celibate cocks, or my young hens. When the young widowers retuned, i let out my old hens with them and got all the birds in the widowhood shed and let them choose a mate.So i put some stripped down hens in with my celibate cocks for 10 mins, as i done the previous day and basketed them, in the same basket as widowhood cocks.Then i basketed my hens in a different basket. Again back to wanstead flats, The cocks were liberated at 6.00pm, and i got the phone call at 6.10pm that all the widowhood and celibate cocks were home. The celibate cocks supposably trapped like rockets, as i think there gathering the idea that hens are going to be in there shed on return, now these 11 cocks have not seen a hen since weaning so they do get really excited. Widowers took a while to get in as they are not used to going in the widowhood shed yet, but all that will soon change. Once i got the call to say all were home, I waited a further 10 minutes, i then let my team of hens go, I then got a call, while playing over the flats with my dog that they had done it slower then the cocks and they took 16 minutes! I felt rather impressed and happy they way the schooling has gone so far! They will go to wanstead flats again tommorow then they will be on to 10 miles. Happy the way things are progressing so far.

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