Saturday 30 June 2007

White Lightning

Everyone knows the story of the hare and the tortoise, but in this case, you could say its the chequer and the white. A friend of mine on, kindly bred me a pair of white babies for exchange of an ER ring. So everything forward, put them on the darkness and both moulted out perfectly, few days after taking them of the darkness the white hen off she went never to be seen again. However her sibbling stayed. Now her nestmate, is the total opposite to what she was, she was always full of flying and life, and to be honest he is a lazy bugger. Always struggling to keep up flying around the loft, and always the first pigeon to land.My dad said i will lose it on its first training toss, he most probably is correct, but id be so happy to get this one over him. This white cock has now been seperated from the sexes. Then after a week or so ill let the cocks claim a box and i will pair the cocks up with the old hens. First training toss will hopefully be today if the weather clears up, if not will have to wait another day , but the weather has been absolutly terrible!I think we all can agree though the white cock does look the part, but can he prove an old man wrong, I certainly hope so.

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