Sunday 24 June 2007

Myths & Legends

When the legends die, the dreams end, and there is no more greatness, and nothing can die harder then the legends and myths of our ancestors. These stories passed down through generations, about heroic individuals, spectacular events and powerful gods. These myths symbolize cultural beliefs some are fictional while others are based on real people and events. But a lot of people do not see there educational value or power.
When I was knee high I always remember the ancient Legend of ‘The Wise’ King
Solomon, who wore a many magic rings that allowed him to possess certain powers. The one ring that stuck back in my mind to this day was the ring that allowed King Solomon, the power to talk to the birds.
I think every experienced fancier has a replica of King Solomon’s great magic ring that allows us to talk and interact with our feathered friends. During the week the birds say whether or not they are prepared for the coming weeks race by the way the boast and are full of confidence saying “Put your money on me this week”. On they’re return from the race, the bird will say to me “I enjoyed that” or “That was a struggle, I had to face many obstacles along the way” but I common thing you hear no matter how hard or how easy they found their journey is “Its so good to be home”. However they never seem to tell you where you are going wrong.
The London North Road combine were at Berwick, the weather the week building up to the race was exceptional, lovely clear blue skies with sunshine that tanned my milk bottle legs. The race they had to face on the Saturday was a hard and testing one with many birds missing on the night. On the night I had eight return out of my eleven entries, and was pleased how they came really. One returned the following morning very flown out, and done a lot of body weight. The other two returned later in the week. In my club and marking station Custom House, Ron Lowe won the station, the five pound side bet, and also the five hundred pound gift to whoever won the station kindly donated by Davy Hunt & son.
I only have one club result from the Berwick Combine race and that is from the Tilbury Homing Society of The West Essex Federation. They had 7 members and sent 148 birds. 1st T & T MCCARTHY 1464, 2nd R WEST 1457, 3rd R & J MOSS 1416, 4th J CAMERON 1406.
The following week after Berwick a lot of the London and Essex federation where up at Wetherby, a lot of fanciers was not happy that every federation in the London and Essex area liberations were all done in between fifteen minute gaps. The race yet again wasn’t the easiest especially if the birds that went Berwick was not rested, Did not get many results posted to me this week, but the Dagenham Trades Hall of West Essex Federation’s winner was P MAHONEY who only had joined the club this season and has his first win under his belt.
S VIALLS & SON partnership has been ever present in the Trades Hall result was 2nd club yet again. Ex LNRC J WILSON then came in third.
Now to be up to date with the results all the London and Essex Federations once again were all at same race point, this week they were at Newark. Most federations birds went up in a light North wind. The weather was perfect racing weather, my own federation decided to hold out until 11am before liberating. In most federations I am lead to believe that the winning birds took on average the 2 hour 10 minute mark. Yet again the Dagenham Trades Hall of West Essex Federation 14 members sent 239 birds. 1st S VIALLS & SON who have been consistent so far this year. 2nd T WILLIAMS who also has been very consistent this year, and I believe that both T WILLIAMS and S VIALLS & SON are on equal par with the amount of races they have won so far this year, so creating an interesting rivalry. 3rd yet again S VIALLS & SON. 4th T WILLIAMS.
Silverhall Hs of the West Essex also sent a result this week. 1st and 2nd club was D O’NEAL. 3rd was D SOPER.
Next week is yet again a London North Road Combine race and we are at Stonehaven which is a distance to my loft of around 388 miles to my loft, which I predict will be full of fun and games, you do get a buzz when the birds start doing some distance. I wish everyone racing the best of luck for the race. Any news, views or results don’t hesitate to contact. Sayonara For Now!


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